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S.T.A.T.I.K - Systems Thinking Approach to Implementing Kanban into your business

S.T.A.T.I.K - Systems Thinking Approach to Implementing Kanban into your business

Understand Flow, Improve Efficiency & Increase Productivity.

This workshop integrates a systems thinking approach with the "getKanban" board game.  This combination offers a unique, interactive learning experience that deepens understanding of Kanban principles in a practical, engaging manner. The board game simulates real-world scenarios, allowing participants to experiment with Kanban in a risk-free environment. This hands-on experience helps reinforce the concepts of workflow management, bottleneck identification, and process improvement. It also encourages team collaboration and problem-solving skills, crucial for successful Kanban implementation.

By visualising work processes and engaging in iterative gameplay, teams can better grasp the dynamics of their work system and the impact of their decisions. This educational tool, coupled with a systems thinking approach, not only enhances the learning experience but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.


Tangible outcomes from this workshop are: Improved and more efficient workflows, improved team dynamics, stronger alignment of work processes with organisational goals, ultimately contributing to increased productivity and customer satisfaction.


Dive into the dynamic world of Kanban with our S.T.A,T.I.K and getKanban workshop – a hands-on, interactive simulation that offers a deep understanding of Kanban systems, applicable to all businesses.

Implementing Kanban using a systems thinking approach offers several benefits:

  • Improved Workflow Visibility: Kanban boards provide a clear visual representation of work in progress, making it easier to understand and manage the workflow.

  • Enhanced Flexibility and Responsiveness: Kanban's iterative nature allows teams to quickly adapt to changes in priorities or demands, enhancing responsiveness to customer needs and market changes.

  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: By identifying and addressing bottlenecks and inefficiencies, Kanban can lead to smoother workflows, reduced cycle times, and increased overall productivity.

  • Better Team Collaboration and Communication: The visual nature of Kanban and its emphasis on team involvement fosters improved collaboration and communication within teams.

  • Reduced Waste and Improved Quality: By focusing on continuous improvement and just-in-time production, Kanban helps in reducing waste and improving the quality of outputs.

  • Enhanced Focus on Customer Value: Kanban encourages prioritization based on customer value, ensuring that the most important tasks are completed first.

  • Greater Predictability: By stabilizing and optimizing the workflow, Kanban allows for more accurate forecasting and planning.

  • Empowered Teams: Kanban promotes autonomy and self-management, empowering teams to take ownership of their work and make informed decisions.

  • Continuous Improvement Culture: The iterative process of Kanban, combined with regular retrospectives, cultivates a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Scalability: Kanban can be scaled across multiple teams and departments, making it an effective tool for organization-wide process improvement.

  • Reduction in Overburden: By limiting work in progress, Kanban helps in reducing overburden on team members, leading to better work-life balance and job satisfaction.

  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Improved efficiency and quality often lead to higher customer satisfaction, as clients receive products or services that meet their needs more effectively.

In summary, the systems thinking approach to Kanban can significantly improve your organisation's operational efficiency, adaptability, and overall effectiveness in delivering value.


Key Features:

  • Team-Based Gameplay: Played in teams of 4-6, each group gets a unique Kanban task board and story cards, simulating real work tasks. The goal? Maximize profit by streamlining your work process.

  • Dynamic Challenges: Experience simulated events that test your skills in system design, resource allocation, and prioritization.

  • Analytical Insight: Construct various charts like the Cumulative Flow Diagram, Run Chart, and Lead Time Distribution Chart, offering a visual representation of your performance.


Why Play the getKanban Board Game?

  • Educational and Fun: Not just a mere board game, it's a comprehensive tool that paints a clear picture of various facets of the Kanban method.

  • Boost Efficiency: Visualize processes to quickly pinpoint and rectify inefficiencies.

  • Skyrocket Productivity: Emphasizing the completion over initiation of tasks leads to a boost in tasks finalized.

  • Optimal Workload: With its pull system, ensure that teams only take on tasks they can manage, avoiding overburdening.

  • Laser-Sharp Focus: By concentrating on finishing tasks, reduce the distractions of context switching.

  • Enhanced Communication: Experience a surge in team communication, fostering clearer project discussions.

  • Clear Visualization: With its lucid visual presentation, preemptively identify and address potential bottlenecks, ensuring a smooth transition of tasks from "To Do" to "Done".

  • Data-Driven Decision Making:  Use Kanban for accurate measurement of how your team is performing. Kanban gives you the data to analyse how much more productive you are since embracing technology such as AI.

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